All SWEAH courses are open to all PhD students, nationally and internationally, but SWEAH affiliates are given preference. Doctoral students connected to SWEAH's research school undertake to participate in at least two of the courses on aging and health that make up SWEAH's Core Curriculum during the connection period. At least one must be one of the theoretically oriented courses: "Theories of Aging", or "Gerontology - multidisciplinary and integrative perspectives on ageing".
Registration no later than January 20
The last application date for the first-mentioned course at Lund University is January 20, 2024, for those who wish to participate during the spring semester. The course starts on March 4 and lasts until August 26. In between, a workshop is planned for March 19-20.
– The teachers will be Merril Silverstein, Boo Johansson, Susanne Iwarsson and Suresh Rattan, says SWEAH's study coordinator Cecilia Pettersson.
The course "Ageing and Social Change" is planned for the autumn semester at Linköping University.
– It will be an "Interdisciplinary Doctoral Course" from mid-September to mid-December 2024, dates to be announced later. The teachers will be Andreas Motel-Klingebiel, Arianna Poli, Indre Genelyte, George Pavlidis and Susanne Kelfve, as well as two international guests, says the course manager, Professor Andreas Motel-Klingebiel.
All SWEAH's courses are given in a mixed format, online and physically, where students solve tasks both individually and in interdisciplinary groups. During each course, a two-day workshop is carried out in the form of a physical meeting, with an evening activity. All courses are given in English.
Register for “Theories of Aging” here, by January 20, 2024.