SWEAH board
The national graduate school on ageing and health is led by a board consisting of members from the partner universities. Affiliated PhD students also participate in the board work. The board includes members from the public with an interest in research on ageing and health.
Members of the SWEAH board 2025
ethel [dot] forsberg [at] me [dot] com (Ethel Forsberg), chairman, ex Director General FORTE
lars [dot] liljedahl [at] harnosand [dot] se (Lars Liljedahl), vice chairman, municipal director, Härnösand
info [at] mariannerundstrom [dot] se (Marianne Rundström), external member, ex TV journalist
stig [dot] ake [dot] alund [at] gmail [dot] com (Stig Ålund), external member, active in Pensionärernas Riksorganisation (PRO)
mel [at] du [dot] se (Marie Elf), partner representative, Dalarna University
%20tove [dot] harnett [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Harnett), partner representative, School of Social Work, Lund University
%20zarina [dot] kabir [at] ki [dot] se (Zarina Nahar Kabir), partner representative, Karolinska institutet
%20lisbeth [dot] kristiansen [at] miun [dot] se (Lisbeth Kristiansen), partner representative, Mid Sweden University
mahwish [dot] naseer [at] ki [dot] se (Mahwish Naseer), alumna representative, University of Gothenburg
jnn [at] du [dot] se (Jerry Norlin), PhD student representative, Dalarna University
samantha [dot] svardh [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Samantha Svärdh)isabelle [dot] vonsaenger [at] ki [dot] se (,) PhD student representative, Lund University
Susanne Iwarsson
Professor, coordinator
+46 46 222 19 40
susanne [dot] iwarsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se