Avhandlingar inom SWEAH
Här hittar du avhandlingar av doktorander inom SWEAH. Doktorandprojekten inom SWEAH bidrar med tvärvetenskapliga perspektiv på åldrande och hälsa. Doktorandprojekten utvecklas vid SWEAH:s partnerlärosäten över hela Sverige.
Brain heterogeneity within aging and cognitive impairment: Implications for precision medicine and prevention
Giulia Lorenzon, Karolinska Institutet
On Meaningfulness and Control Beliefs of the Home Across Retirement and Relocation Implications for health and quality of life in older age
Erik Eriksson, Lunds universitet
Disentangling the Body Mass Index, Metabolic Health and Aging Connection: Weighty Matters
Peggy Ler, Karolinska Institutet
Supramaximal high-intensity interval training for older adults: motivation, applicability, physiological and cognitive effects
Emma Simonsson, Umeå universitet
Frailty in Older Adults in China -Trajectories, Determinants, and Impacts on Healthcare Utilization and Mortality
Guo Yanfei, Göteborgs universitet
Cardiometabolic disease and dementia risk : identifying compensatory factors
Abigail Dove, Karolinska Institutet
Older People in Vulnerable Situations Ageing in Place in Sweden
Agata Yadav, Lunds universitet
Place attachment and participation among older adults living in disadvantaged areas
Afsaneh Taei, Lunds universitet
For better and for worse, till death do us part: Support needs of persons caring for a co-habitant spouse or partner with dementia
Marcus Falk Johansson, Högskolan Dalarna
Assessment of frailty in old people with multimorbidity
Amelie Lindh Mazya, Karolinska Institutet
Genetics and biomarkers of frailty : towards individualized management of the frailty syndrome
Jonathan Mak, Karolinska Institutet
Cardiovascular health, orthostatic hypotension, and cognitive aging
Xin Xia, Karolinska Institutet
Dementia and learning The use of tablet computers in joint activities
Elias Ingebrand, Linköpings universitet
Readmission to hospital within 30 days of discharge - in older adults
Maria Glans, Lunds universitet
On User Involvement in Research on Ageing and Health
Joakim Frögren, Lunds universitet
Alcohol and aging: a multimethod study on heterogeneity and multidimensionality
Wossenseged Birhane Jemberie, Umeå universitet
Older and Feeling Unsafe? Unravelling the Role of Perceived Unsafety in the Well-being of Older Adults Residing in Senior Apartments
Nadezhda Golovchanova, Örebro universitet
Ageing Online : Promoting older persons' subjective wellbeing in a digital everyday life
Emilia Viklund, Åbo Akademi
Living Longer, Living Harder: Ageing in Extreme Poverty in Bangladesh
Owasim Akram, Örebro universitet
Housing Matters for People with Parkinson´s disease - Accessibility, Meaning, Control and Activities of Daily Living
Nilla Andersson, Lunds universitet
Why do older adults seek emergency care? The impact of contextual factors, care, health, and social relations
Mahwish Naseer, Karolinska Institutet
Enjoying life and living healthier : impact of behavioral and psychosocial factors on physical function in old age
Marguerita Saadeh, Karolinska Institutet
Involving professionals in research. In the field of ageing and health
Christine Etzerodt Laustsen, Lunds universitet
Older people in Sweden – Age at migration, poverty and utilization of long-term care services
Hanna Mac Innes, Göteborgs universitet
Health-promoting aspects of preventive home visits for older persons: An individual and a societal perspective
Anna Nivestam, Lunds universitet
Trends in population health in an era of increasing longevity
Anna Meyer, Karolinska institutet
Biological ages: correlations, genetic determinants, and health outcomes
Xia Li, Karolinska Institutet
On Retirement and Cognitive Aging from a Life-Span Perspective
Linn Zulka, Göteborgs universitet
"Retaining the Aging Workforce: Studies of the interplay between individual and organizational ca-pability in the context of prolonged working lives"
Robin Jonsson, Göteborgs universitet
A Divided Old Age through Research on Digital Technologies
Arianna Poli, Linköpings universitet
"Life is for living”: exploring thriving for older people living in nursing homes
Rebecca Baxter, Umeå universitet
Ge alla en chans att vara med - Brukarinvolvering i forskning med och för sköra äldre personer
Isak Berge, Göteborgs Universitet
Novel measure of olfactory bulb function in health and disease
Behzad Iravani; Karolinska Institutet
Better all the time? : trends in health and longevity among older adults in Sweden
Louise Sundberg, Karolinska Institutet
Ageism in the Media: Online Representations of Older People
Wenqian Xu, Linköpings universitet
Unequal tracks? Studies on work, retirement and health
Harpa Sif Eyjólfsdóttir, Karolinska Institutet
Att tappa kontrollen och utveckla oro. Komplexiteterna av åldrande postural kontroll och fall-relaterad oro
Mascha Pauelsen, Luleå Tekniska Universitet
Preventive Home Visits Among Older People – Risk assessment, self-rated health and experiences of healthy ageing
Astrid Fjell, Karolinska Institutet
How can older adults combat diabetes to achieve a longer and healthier life?
Ying Shang, Karolinska Institutet
Doing informal care: Identity, couplehood, social health and information and communication technologies in older people’s everyday lives
Frida Andréasson, Linnéuniversitetet
Sleep and cognition in old age: Birth cohort differences, dementia, and biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease
Johan Skoog, Göteborgs universitet
Understanding Preclinical Dementia: Early detection of dementia through cognitive and biological markers
Nicola Payton, Karolinska Institutet
Oral health, experiences of oral care, associated factors, and mortality among older people in short-term care
Susanne Koistinen, Högskolan Dalarna
Machine learning applications in healthcare
Ana Luiza Dallora Moraes, Blekinge tekniska högskola (BTH)
Depression among Swedish 70-year-olds – Sex differences from a gender perspective
Therese Rydberg Sterner, Göteborgs universitet
Access to cross-border healthcare for older persons in the European Union: The interplay between EU law and Swedish law
Martina Axmin, Lunds universitet
Existentiell ensamhet hos sköra äldre personer: Vårdpersonals och volontärers erfarenheter och behov av stöd
Malin Sundström, Högskolan Kristianstad
The role of atrial fibrillation in cognitive aging: a population-based study
Mozhu Ding, Karolinska Institutet
Periodontitis, carotid calcifications and future cardiovascular diseases in older individuals
Viveca Wallin Bengtsson, Malmö universitet, Högskolan Kristianstad
Modelling and quantifying brain connectivity and dynamics with applications in aging and ADHD
Neda Kaboodvand, Karolinska Institutet
Predictors and consequences of injurious falls among older adults: a holistic approach
Stina Ek, Karolinska Institutet
Inequity in mind. On the social and genetic risk factors of dementia and their interactions
Caroline Hasselgren, Göteborgs universitet
Socioeconomic influences on late-life health and mortality: exploring genetic and environmental interplay
Malin Ericsson, Karolinska Institutet
Dopamine, decision-making and aging. Neural and behavioural correlates
Lieke de Boer, Karolinska Institutet
Change and continuity in psychological health across the retirement transition – interindividual differences and post-retirement adjustment
Georg Henning, Göteborgs universitet
Retirement and life satisfaction: A resource-based dynamic perspective
Isabelle Hansson, Göteborgs universitet
Multimodal imaging: Functional, structural, and molecular brain correlates of cognitive aging
Bárbara Avelar Pereira, Karolinska Institutet
Assessment of cognition in ageing. Investigating internal validity, occurrence and reversion of mild cognitive impairment. Data from the general population study “Good aging in Skåne”
Marieclaire Overton, Lunds universitet
Impact of psychosocial working conditions on health in older age
Kuan-Yu Pan, Karolinska Institutet
Housing accessibility and participation among older adults with long-standing spinal cord injury
Lizette Norin, Lunds universitet
The impact of amyloid peptides on pericytes in Alzheimer’s disease
Nina Schultz, Lunds universitet
Piecing together a fragmented world: Structures to promote the understanding of people with advanced dementia
Catharina Melander, Luleå tekniska universitet
Capturing the experience of health among persons aging in a migration context - Health promotion interventions as means to enable health and occupations in daily life
Annikki Arola, Göteborgs universitet
Using a life-course approach to better understand depression in older age
Linnea Sjöberg, Karolinska Institutet
Experiences and outcomes of systematic preventive work to reduce malnutrition, falls and pressure ulcers in nursing home residents
Christina Lannering, Jönköping University
Activity avoidance, perceived walking difficulties, and use of mobility devices in people woth Parkinson’s disease
Manzur Kader, Lunds universitet
Nutritional perspectives in health-promoting program for community-dwelling older adults
Julie Johannesson, Göteborgs universitet
Cardiovascular risk factor profiles in the development and progression of physical limitation in old age: a population based study
Emerald Heiland, Karolinska Institutet
Perceived aspects of home, health and well-being among people in Sweden aged 67-70 years
Maya Kylén, Lunds universitet
The impact of diabetes on cognitive aging and dementia
Anna Marseglia, Karolinska Institutet
Toward inclusive pharmaceutical packaging: An innovation and design process perspective
Giana Carli Lorenzini, Lunds universitet
Set for life? Socioeconomic conditions, occupational complexity, and later life health
Alexander Darin-Mattsson, Karolinska Institutet
Do psychosocial working conditions contribute to healthy and active aging? Studies of mortality, late-life health, and leisure
Charlotta Nilsen, Karolinska Institutet
Quality of life, functional level and needs of care after vascular major lower limb amputation
Ulla Riis Madsen, Lunds universitet
Inter-individual differences in associative memory: Structural and functional brain correlates and genetic modulators
Nina Becker, Karolinska Institutet
Information and communication technology – mediated support for working carers of older people
Stefan Andersson, Linnéuniversitetet
Arrhytmias in older people: Focusing on atrial fibrillation. Epidemiology and impact on daily life
Therese Lindberg, Lunds universitet
Care and services at home for persons with dementia. Structure, process, and outcomes
Christina Bökberg, Lunds universitet
Stina Elfverson
+46 46 222 19 42
stina [dot] elfverson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se