Deadline for applications to SWEAH is September 30, 2024
Are you a PhD student and interested in developing perspectives on one of the big issues of our time in the society – ageing and health – within your thesis project?
Are you admitted at a university that is a SWEAH partner, and willing to work in an interdisciplinary context when addressing the challenges and possibilities related to ageing and health? Do you want to get to know other PhD students within the field in Sweden and from abroad? Then you are the right person to apply for affiliation to the Swedish National Graduate School on Ageing and Health (SWEAH)!
The mission of the Swedish National Graduate School on Ageing and Health (SWEAH) is to develop a strong national learning environment with international splendor, contribute to the production of knowledge about ageing and health, develop the next generation of researchers and support the academic career development of postdocs who are interested in research on ageing and health.
The Swedish National Graduate School on Ageing and Health (SWEAH) is coordinated by Lund University with 13 higher education partners across Sweden.
As a PhD student formally admitted to one of these partner universities you have the possibility to apply for affiliation to SWEAH’s interdisciplinary learning environment and participate in PhD courses in SWEAH Core Curriculum and other activities organized by the graduate school.
Courses, learning and network activities
SWEAH provides courses, other learning and network activities for PhD students and postdocs within the research field of ageing and health. An important aspect is the cooperation among researchers with different disciplinary backgrounds: medicine and health sciences, social sciences, behavioral sciences, economy, humanities, law, demography, technology, architecture, etc. We therefore welcome PhD students from any relevant discipline, and we strive for a composition of PhD students that is characteristic of the width of the research field.
SWEAH Core Curriculum
SWEAH Core Curriculum is a set of courses with a broad theoretical and methodological approach and will be closely linked to your PhD work. One or two courses are given per year, based on a distance-learning format with most of the work conducted online, involving mandatory workshops organized as 1-3 days residentials. The locations will vary but typically be near or hosted by one of the partner universities. Each completed course gives 3 ECTS on research level according to syllabus. The teaching language is English.
PhD students affiliated with SWEAH have priority to these courses, while others may be admitted if a course is not fully booked. In addition, SWEAH organizes one PhD student day per semester, where affiliated PhD students are expected to participate. These days are planned by PhD students, postdocs and the SWEAH management in collaboration, and are located at SWEAH partner universities. In addition, PhD students are encouraged to take the initiative of additional joint activities. Twice per year, SWEAH announces travel funding for research visits abroad, which affiliated PhD students can apply for.
A signed contract
The affiliation with SWEAH is formalized by a contract signed by the PhD student, the main supervisor and the Head of the department where he/she is formally admitted/employed. The contract specifies your rights and obligations, including that you will participate in SWEAH Core Curriculum courses as well as other student activities during the affiliation period.
Apply before September 30, 2024
Please send your complete application with attachments, no later than September 30, 2024.
Link to form: SWEAH application form 2024 (
It needs to be signed by yourself, your main supervisor and the head(s) of the department(s) where you are admitted/employed. Use the following signature form:
Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Decision on affiliations will be made by the Board of SWEAH in November, 2024. Each affiliated PhD student and his/her supervisor/s will be presented with the full terms before signing a contract.
"Inspiring and exciting"
"It is inspiring and exciting to learn about everyone's projects and to present my own. To learn from others' experiences and discover common denominators. It is incredible to make contacts from the first meeting, start networking and feel the creative energy. Good planning by those responsible for laying the foundation for a good climate."
"SWEAH has contributed to my learning process in terms of new research contacts, financial support and increased knowledge in ageing research."
SWEAH affiliated PhD students 2023

Each application will be assessed according to the following criteria:
• The scientific quality of the thesis project (research questions, methodology, etc.).
• The applicant’s merits and track record.
• The applicant’s individual background and motivation for affiliation as expressed by a personal motivation statement and by the main supervisor (signed certificate of motivation for affiliation).
• The relevance and potential of the thesis project as regards to the development of interdisciplinary research on ageing and health in relation to SWEAH’s Strategic Plan.
• The potential of the thesis project as regards to novelty and development of new knowledge in relation to existing research on ageing and health as stated in SWEAH’s Strategic Plan, nationally and internationally.

Eligibility and assessment criteria
To be eligible to apply for affiliation you must be formally admitted to education on research level for a PhD degree at one of the SWEAH partner universities and currently pursue active studies in accordance with your individual study plan. In addition, you must not have come further than half-time of your PhD studies. Prior to application, you should discuss your interest to apply for affiliation with your supervisor/s and Head of department. In case you are not employed at the department where you are admitted as a PhD student, you should involve your line manager at the workplace where you are employed as well. They all have to sign the application form.
Based on the eligibility criteria, your application will be considered with regard to how your thesis project, and how you as an individual researcher may contribute to the diversity of the interdisciplinary environment of SWEAH.